Importing American Start-Up Vibes into Taiwan
Commentating a bit on this story of importing American tech management into Taiwan as an American working in Taiwan:
How One Company Is Challenging Traditional Working Conditions | Connected Feature:
The office environment at PicCollage featured on this TaiwanPlus story is table stakes for an American tech company, but I’m aware it’s a far cry from traditional Taiwanese working environments.
The office environment at PicCollage featured on this TaiwanPlus story is table stakes for an American tech company, but I’m aware it’s a far cry from traditional Taiwanese working environments.
It’s interesting because there’s a misconception that working at a company like this is all fun and games. Importing this operating model can have some complications.
This type of American management technique is about empowering employees by giving them autonomy and an attractive working environment. The ideal of the empowerment model is if you take care of your employees, they’ll take care of your customers.
However, this freedom comes with more personal responsibility. Employees need to be able make decisions independently — you cannot rely on a supervisor for all the answers, the ability to understand the company’s goals and bigger picture of the industry, self-managing work, actively demonstrating value, and often being subject to brutal KPIs, eg. if you don’t make your quarterly numbers, or if a company decides to change direction and your role is no longer needed, you’re out.
By importing this operating model, foreign operators may find both a skill gap and will gap without investing in significant employee training. If successful, using this model will also empower employees who innately understand the local market and help organizations thrive and be successful.
但相反的,這種自由的工作環境相對於也要求更多個人責任。譬如說:需要能夠有獨立做出決策的能力,無法依賴主管代為決定,也要能夠理解公司的目標和環境的大局,並在適時的狀況下做出取捨,以及自我管理工作,積極展示自己工作內容的貢獻,同時也會經常受到殘酷的KPI的約束,如果你沒有達到季度業績,或者一家公司決定改變方向並且不再需要你這份角色,那麼你就會被淘汰了 — 完全沒有所謂的人情味。